3 ways bad breath (halitosis) can ruin your realationship, causes and mitigation measures !

Bad breath is a problem in many people which can ruin one's relationships with loved ones. This article identifies three ways bad breath or halitosis can ruin your relationship, it identifies the common causes and goes an extra mile by identifying some mitigation measures.

1.Lack of intimacy

In a marriage set up bad breath can really ruin things as the affected partner avoids intimacy with the infected partner. Marriage experts all agree that lack of intimacy in marriage is one major issue that has divorce potential. Though intimacy may not be stopped totally but reduced the fact that partners are not having it when they want can greatly strain a marriage.


Sometimes people choose avoiding a person with bad breath as their own way of handling the problem. This can be done by fellow students at college, work mates at work or by anyone you may be interacting with in whatever circumstance. Avoidance by a social group you rely on is painful. The moment when you realize that the cause of the avoidance is bad breath it becomes embarrassing . So this becomes a struggle with both psychological and social implications.

3. Low self esteem

The fact that bad breath is affecting your interaction with close people especially a life partner (for married individuals) can cause another challenge commonly known as low self esteem. Low self esteem is a situation in which a person considers oneself as being of little value. In a relationship this makes a person become a passive partner. During these times of economic collapse affecting nations probably the major impact of low self esteem to life can also be on an individual's economic performance. For example a sales person with low self esteem can not make as much sales as a colleague with good self esteem and all this being indirectly caused by bad breath.


Bad breath has many causes but some of the common ones are poor oral care, food particles from garlic, onions etc and smoking.

Mitigation measure - Oral care

Good oral care is the first line of defense against many cases of halitosis. Just imagine by merely brushing your teeth you save your marriage!

To this end Forever Living has developed a product that can do wonders called Forever Bright Tooth Gel .

Forever Bright Tooth Gel  comes in as a proven panacea that has helped many people to mitigate against bad breath and associated problems.

Effects on teeth
First and fore most it protect the oral cavity from the harmful effects of germs and bacteria, which are the main reason for gum disease.

Forever Bright Tooth Gel
Forever Bright Tooth Gel is also effective in treating of gum bleeding and sores.

It relieve irritation and swelling around the open areas around the tooth root and gums for those who have crowns or fillings in their teeth.

To get a detailed presentation about how Forever Bright Tooth Gel can help you please call Olivia on + 263

To order the product please call Olivia on the same number.

Bad breath is an embarrassing problem in many people's lives ... lets hear your thoughts in the comment section!

This blog was created & designed by Cain Ndhlovu
